November 26th, 2011 5:12 am

Why a flower?

By |2022-09-05T11:26:10+10:00November 26th, 2011|Categories: About, Creativity, Living, Manage, The pain|Tags: , |

Chronic pain is a waste of life’s precious time, its a huge hold up. But if you have to deal with it then you have to find a way to cope through the awful journey and survive it. Before my precious implant (Professor Teddy I love you!!), I couldn’t move much without pain, everything hurt and it hurt all the time. And yet, my gorgeous friends and family kept telling me ‘but you look so good for someone who’s in pain all day!’ (Uum… thanks??).

November 21st, 2011 7:28 am

Anatomical images

By |2022-03-17T09:54:36+11:00November 21st, 2011|Categories: Help, Learn, Professional Resources|Tags: , |

I've always been curious and I wanted to understand and visualise my area of pain but for 4.5 years that wasn't possible as I was never diagnosed accurately and didn't have the visual reference in my head either. From my yoga practice I remember sending the breath to different areas of my body and it was not only relaxing, but it I felt I was sending great energy to that area... sort of loosening it up, relaxing, letting go. I wanted to get back to that after diagnosis and I found this brilliant resource to help me do just that.

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